Collage of the management team of Aperture. Feb 28, 2019

Meet the Management Team at Aperture

The comfort of the Aperture residents is a top priority and ensuring the best for the Aperture community is no easy task. This is where their top-of-the-line management team comes into play. From leasing homes, to making sure their residents’ day-to-day experiences go beyond satisfaction, their work is essential to keeping the community the home you know and love. What better way to get to know their community family than through a spotlight? Say “hello” to Christina, Lindsay, Kelsey, Alice, and Idrees! Christina Guilarte, General Manager  

Q: How long have you been working at Aperture and what brought you to work here?

A: I have been the manager at Aperture for almost two years, and have worked at Bozzuto for eight years. I was completing another Bozzuto lease up in Alexandria when the opportunity to open a brand-new building (Aperture) in Reston was offered to me.

Q: What has been your proudest moment working at Aperture?

A: There are two moments. The first being opening Aperture’s doors successfully on October 1, 2017. Seeing all the moving parts and planning come together was so rewarding, and then having the first residents move in to their new homes that they had never seen before was the cherry on top! The second proudest moment would be when we reached 50% occupancy in less than a year, at a lease-up pace of 30 move-ins per month. That is an unheard of feat for a community of 421 units, but my team and I pulled it off!

Q: What’s one interesting fact people may not know about you?

A: People may not know that I am half Cuban.

Q: What do you like to do outside of the office?

A: I love to travel. My favorite trips were Costa Rica and Aruba. I also enjoy trying new restaurants, watching sports, and spending time with my friends by doing anything competitive: Top Golf, bowling, and trivia top the list!

Q: Favorite TV Show?

A: How to Get Away with Murder

Q: What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

A: The first thing I would do is pay off my student loan from attending The University of Maryland. Then I would reward myself by doing something fun like traveling to my bucket-list destinations!

Lindsay Goldsmith, Assistant General Manager  

Q: How long have you been working at Aperture and what brought you to work here?

A: I have been at Aperture for about 2 weeks (I’m new!) and with Bozzuto for about 3 years. I was looking for a more challenging position, and when the AGM position at Aperture became available, it was the perfect fit. It’s such an amazing community and team, with the added bonus of it being closer to my home in Sterling.

Q: Briefly describe your responsibilities as a member of the leasing team.

A: I do anything and everything! Supporting my team and residents in whatever they might need.

Q: Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

A: France! My grandmother lived in Bordeaux, so I got to explore all over. Seeing all the amazing architecture in the old chateaus and Versailles was absolutely amazing.

Q: Favorite place in Reston?

A: Aperture, of course.

Q: What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

A: I love animals so much, so I always thought if I won the lottery, I would donate half of my winnings to the ASPCA or another animal rescue. I would have to save some of the money to spoil my own dog, Heiko.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

A: Everything happens for a reason.

Kelsey Blanco, Sales & Marketing Associate  

Q: How long have you been working at Aperture and what brought you to work here?

A: I have been working at Aperture since July 2017, right as we started pre-leasing. My former property was sold, and being that I have an artistic background, I was naturally drawn to Aperture.

Q: What’s one interesting fact people may not know about you?

A: I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre.

Q: What do you like to do outside of the office?

A: I like to play video games, hike with my dog, Titan, and exercise. I also like to sew and do DIY projects around my home.

Q: Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

A: My favorite place that I’ve ever traveled is Barcelona, Spain. You can’t say ‘no’ to tapas, sangria, and sunshine!

Q: What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

A: If I won the lottery, I’d head out with my dog and hike and backpack throughout the United States.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

A: Always seek happiness.

Alice Menke, Sales & Marketing Associate  

Q: What’s one interesting fact people may not know about you?

A: I’ve played the piano for 15 years and music is an extremely important part of my life.  

Q: What do you like to do outside of the office?

A: Eat! I’m obsessed with finding new restaurants and trying every food I can. I also love cooking and reading recipes.

Q: How long have you been working at Aperture and what brought you to work here?

A: I was lucky enough to be an intern at Aperture, and then transitioned into a full-time position after graduation. I feel so lucky to have such an awesome team here!

Q: If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

A: I would love to be fluent in several different languages.

Q: Favorite TV show?

A: The Handmaid’s Tale

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

A: Don’t worry about embarrassing yourself! Chances are people aren’t watching.

Idrees Amin, Sales & Marketing Associate  

Q: What’s one interesting fact people may not know about you?

A: I can speak three languages: German, Farsi-Dari, and English.

Q: What do you like to do outside of the office?

A: Outside of the office, I love playing soccer.

Q: Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

A: Dubai was my favorite place to travel to. When I was there, I got to represent my country in an international soccer tournament.

Q: Favorite TV show?

A: The Challenge

Q: Favorite place in Reston?

A: Lake Anne; you should be sure to check it out!

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

A: Live it, love it, do it.

The management team loves working here, and one of their favorite parts is meeting the residents and getting to set them up in their dream homes. Their doors are always open, so always feel free to pop into the office and say “hi,” bond over your shared love for animals, or even catch up on the most recent sports game! Bozzuto management is just one sector of the larger organization, but they play a crucial role in the resident experience, as they are the faces of all Bozzuto communities. With professionals in leasing and management, maintenance, home transitions, and sustainability, our teams have the well-rounded knowledge and passion needed both for finding you your dream home, and being a top-of-the-line team. Now that you know the team a little better, they’re eager to get to know you too. Don’t be a stranger!